12 Ways to De-Stress and Heal Yourself
Dec 10, 2022
If you're like most people, you find yourself not having time to take care of yourself (like eating nourishing foods, having a morning routine that brings your emotional body into balance), or putting yourself first at all for that matter.
We're so programmed to take care of other people, and that taking care of ourself is "selfish" so that we straight up neglect ourselves.
If you do none of the 12 ways to de-stress and heal yourself that I list in this post, please promise me that you'll at least do this one:
Allow yourself to RECEIVE today.
If you identify as a people pleaser or nurturer, it's because you love giving and doing things for people...it's how you show love, right?
Okay, let me offer you a different or new perspective to try on (it doesn't mean it's true or right, just different and new).
Are you willing to try it on with me?
I'm assuming you said yes, so here it is:
You enjoy giving, helping, and taking care of people because...it feels good, right? So, when someone is offering to do something for you, give to you, or help you with something...you're not burdening them, you're giving them a gift. The same gift of giving that you get out of doing it.
When you reject their offer to give, you're robbing them of the joy of giving.
You're also rejecting the Universe that's literally sending help.
You're sending out an energetic message that's screaming, "don't give me anything, I wont accept it!"
Do you think that's supporting your manifestation powers or blocking them?
So allow yourself to receive and take care of yourself.
You get to put yourself first.
When you're taking care of yourself, and you're feeling good...everyone else is better for it (because your energy will be more vibrant and happier)!
The magic in taking excellent care of ourselves is that we get to have more energy, mind clarity, and overall vitality so that those that we want to (or have to take care of) get us at our best - which in turn is more nourishing and inspires them to be their best as well.
This is also a powerful thing for our children to witness us doing.
Do you want your daughter to grow up over-giving, self-sacrificing, and stressed?
If you're in a constant state of stress, it could be that you're addicted to the energy or emotion connected to being or feeling stressed (perhaps from your childhood environment or someone close to you that you witnessed as a child) or that you have a story in the background (your subconscious) that says you need to be busy or productive to be worthy.
It's important to identify thought patterns behind a behavior or negative feelings about something, especially where there might be evidence of being "emotionally addicted" - where you might be recreating the same familiar energy (that might be toxic).
When you change behaviors, different chemicals flow in the body.
I am on day 5 of my Chinese Medicine Detox in Bali, and my teacher said that stress from work produces the same levels of acidity in the body as eating a cheese burger and fries every day. Gross.
Here are some ways to balance your physical and emotional body:
Before you put something in your body, ask yourself:
Will this cleanse and nourish me?
Or will it clog and create dis-ease?
1⚡️keep your colon clean (get a colonic once or do enemas, and do a cleanse 2x a year)
2⚡️drink ionized water - I have a kangen machine (dm me if you’re interested in learning about this)
3⚡️Avoid alcohol and refined sugars
4⚡️Avoid overeating (makes your body stressed trying to digest all the things)
5⚡️Maintain regular meal times (the body loves a routine)
6⚡️Eat mostly fruits and veggies (if you eat animal flesh)
7⚡️Avoid processed food (anything in a bag or box, or fast food)
8⚡️Sleep! Rest is the best detox for your body! It allows your organs to do their thing and restore your body.
9⭐️Avoid overworking! Bring your body to relax with things that make you feel good. For me it’s yoga, meditation, coloring, journaling, going for a walk.
10⚡️Move your body every day or your lymphatic system won’t release toxins!
11⚡️Replace your metal tooth fillings. Wtf! Get that poison out of your mouth!
12⭐️Do something that you love and brings you joy every singe day! Make it a priority! You deserve it and it will make you healthier, happier, and it’ll impact those around you as well!
Leave a comment with things you do that nourish your mind, body, and soul!
xo Rita
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