Ritafine Reality Retreat - Bali 2023

In order to be accepted to join 20 soul sisters from around the world at the Ritafine Reality Retreat in Bali, you must complete this application in its entirety and schedule an interview

You will find out if you are accepted the day after your interview (if you are not accepted, you will be fully refunded)

Here is some info about the retreat:

It is from Nov 27-Dec 3 at Bagus Jati http://bagusjati.com in Bali  

Ritafine Reality Retreat is all about nourishing your vessel, nurturing your soul, and discovering your purpose and manifesting it into reality.

We will be practicing yoga, meditation, sitting in Women's Circles, Energy Clearing Practices, Group and 1:1 Coaching Sessions to get clear/unstuck and connect to your soul + intuition, activate your authenticity, confidence, courage, self-love, rewire limiting beliefs, overcoming fears, release shame, guilt, resentment, and embody the divine feminine - all in a safe and loving container where you can release all that you don't even know needs clearing to finally be FREE to be the realest and most authentic you and be deeply felt, seen, held, and loved by your life long sisters, and we will bathe in healing sounds after dinner to gently send us to bed.  

We are going to unleash your creativity by releasing all the stuck energy in the womb (the womb is where most trauma is stored - and sexual energy and creative energy are the same) and take your new healed self to the next level by embodying your soul purpose

Rita will use her channeled guidance and intuition to help you get crystal clear clarity to create an offer to the world where you can be of service using your life story, your gifts, your talents, and your unique passions so you can quantum leap to the version of you that is living your dream life (just like what happened for Rita after doing this work) 

Before you leave the retreat, we will birth your offer to the world!

Things we will do at the retreat:

Yoga, Meditation, Reiki, Energetic Womb Clearing/Feminine Embodiment Practices, Sharing Circles, Ecstatic Dance, Slumber Party, Massages, Nourishing Food, Sound Baths, Holy Water Temple, Bali Swing, and more.


Everything is included - your food, your stay at the gorgeous resort that feels like heaven on earth, and your transportation. You just need to book your flight and get your pretty self there :) 

 $4444 for 1 week ($444 deposit if you want to do payments using afterpay)

Total price is $4444 (deposit of $444 not shown here)

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